This incident was happened in my life when I was studying in 9th standard. I was a member of a Bhajana Mandali at Mantralaya. Once were invited to Tirumala for a function conducted by TTD. We made that journey by a Matador Van. The function was very divine. During the function every body was engaged in recitation of Devara Nama. I was fortunate to present a Kuchipudi dance on the same occasion. Everyone started kindling me “we will impress the God by our songs but what will you do?” I replied politely “I will impress him by my dance!”. The function was presided over by my Guru Sri Palimaru Swamiji. After my performance was over Srigalu said “Lord Srinivasa will always be there with you. Don’t get afraid of at any situation, keep reciting “SAKALA DURITA NIVARANA SANDHI” in Harikathamruta Sara. (In deed He’d given me this instruction long ago)” I didn’t get any hint why Swamiji said like that!

While coming back from Tirumala/Tiruapthi I was seated beside to the window enjoying the turnings and nature. No one was in a mood of taking away their minds away from Tirumala. All of sudden the door opened involuntarily and I fell down! tragically nobody noticed that some one in their troupe has fallen down from the moving vehicle! I just tumbled out and dashed the edge of the stone barricade. My god! a huge valley was just few steps ahead!
I was supposed to have sever injuries but for my luck the area was soft. Today I wonder myself about my reflex action at that scary moment. My heart instantly recalled Palimaru Swamiji’s (Sri Vidyadeesha Teertharu) faithful words. The initial lines of Harikathamruta Sara came out from my mouth fortuitously. I did not get even a single scar or wound! I was survived miraculously. And the miracle was done by those sacred lines of Hari Kathamruta sara.
At last this mishap was noticed by some co-passengers in the van. The vehicle was stopped; my mother came running towards me and consoled. Only then she realised that she had a dream like this a few days ago which she’d forgotten to share with me. In that dream she’d also noticed me reciting Harikathamruta sara after this miraculous survival on the top of Tirumala hill.
I staunchly believe that because of Rayaru I’ve got such a wonderful culture and mother! 🙂
- The Gajendra Moksha Image :
- Tirumala Valley :
You fell because of your Prarabdha karama and God saved because of your punya karma. There is nothing fancy here.
The write up is not a piece of some pseudo spiritual preaching. It is my staunch belief and faith which I have shared here but not boasting a fancy tale. I do agree that prarabhda is the key factor in this incident. It is only because of my prarabhda I could recollect the verses of Harikathamruta Sara at that panicked state. If you don’t want to agree with Harikathamruta Sara then it is your prarabdha. That’s it.