Sri Chandreshwar Bhootnath Sansthan is a shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva and His consortium. It is located atop a hill called Chandreshwar Parvat or simply ‘Parvat’ in Paroda village of Quepem Taluka of Margao District.
According to a legend here Lord Shiva has manifested by himself. Chandra Varma a king from Chandravamsha had first constructed temple for Shiva at this place. Hence Shiva is known as Chandreshwar. Goddess Parvati, Ganesha, Nandi are the deities worshiped besides Chandreshwar.
Bhootnath is the divine sentinel of this locality. He leads the battalion of Bhootas (Not to be confused with the ugly ghosts. These bhoot are soldiers of Shiva) who follow Lord Shiva. Hence he has secured a place in a small temple built on the adjacent part of the Main Shrine. Thus it is called Chandreshwar Bhootnath Sansthan. Annul festival of this temple will be celebrated on Chaitra Poornima.
It is said that once upon a time on this hill there were 108 sacred springs, however only 10 are now identified. Some are named as Muralidhara Teertha, Ganesha Teertha, Kapila Teertha etc. Famous Kushavati river flows nearby the Parvat.
Flora & Fauna. : Parvat is a beautiful segment of Sahyadri range of mountains stretched on the south-eastern part of Goa. Thousands of ever green trees give the mountain a lush green look throughout the year. Various orchid, herbal plants, Teak, Sandal and numerous jungle trees are seen. Also the Parvat has provided shelter to rare species of butterflies, snakes and birds.
How to Go ? Chandreshwar Parvat can be approached easily by vehicles. It is located at a distance of 12KMs from Margao and around 7-8 KMs from Quepem. A tar road with good condition will take you nearer to the temple gate. From there you need to climb by the steps. Another route is meant for pedestrians. Steps are constructed from the foot hill to the top of the mountain.

Feeling happy to see the rare pics. Thank u sir
Extremely happy to see the rare pics. Thank u sir
Thanks a lot of providing Darshan of punyakshetras which we may not be able to visit in our lifetime! Please add according to Theerthaprabandha also, if possible. Thanks